Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Are Many Options, Too Many Options?

When it comes to picking a career path, there are too many to choose from it seems like.  But once you finally make that life changing decision, even MORE options seem to open up in that career field.  It can be overwhelming at times, but researching all the options never hurts.

Which path do I take?

Since I made the decision to study Accounting and become a Certified Public Accountant, I have many options to choose from when it comes to which area I want to specialize in.  I can choose from specializing in tax, audit, management consulting, financial analysis, management accounting, and many more.  Along with choosing an area to specialize in, you also have to choose where you want to work.  You can work for any sized firm.  It can be large, like an international firm, or it can be a small one.  You can even start your own firm and make it whatever size you want it to be.  But I am still on my journey to becoming a CPA, so I still have awhile to decide what area I want to specialize in and where I want to work.

I have been seeking lots of information about CPA's lately and I found a blog called The CPA Desk. This blog helped me understand some things about what CPA's do and how they help others.

My time to choose my specific career path in Accounting will come soon enough.  Hopefully I do enough research about all the topics involved with being a CPA and choose the right one for me!


  1. I think that it is great that you are studying to be an accountant. Not many people can honestly say that being an accountant is a fun and easy career to pursue because to be honest I am not smart when it comes to finances and stocks. I think you will make a wonderful accountant though. Follow your dreams and don't get down when life gets hard Mallory because you are a strong girl with a strong dedicated heart. Good luck and great blog by the way.

  2. I had no idea how many different career paths you could take studying accounting. I think it's great that you have so many different options to specialize in. You are one smart cookie. I think taking the time now to find out more information about accounting will greatly benefit your future.
